Wednesday, September 18, 2013

way overdue cvs posts.

So I have been keeping track of my CVS deals and even writing them up. I haven't gotten around to posting them because I started working part time watching 2 girls (sisters, ages 4 and 1) and that has completely thrown off my weeks! There were time I was going to the store at 9 at night (sometimes even on the last day of the sale). I'm getting my groove down. LD is loving having his two friends come over and play with him. He was the main reason I was wanting some children near his age. I don't think it's good for him to spend so much alone time with just me. He's learning to share and take turns, something he's only able to learn with other children. He's also got a jealous streak if I'm holding the 1 year old. He immediately comes over and wants to be held too.

Here's 3 weeks worth of my CVS deals:
8/25/13 weeks deal was good. If I could have found a second bogo coupon I could have paid a penny before taxes. THAT would have been scream worthy. I used 10 ecb's from here and only got a total of 8 back (5 and 3) so you could say I "lost" 2 ecb's, but I found it hard to keep rolling the 10 into a deal that would give me 10 back. It'll be easier to buy things my family needs and will use if I have a smaller amount of ecbs to roll. I have to keep reminding myself that even if a deal is awesome, if it's not for my family, I don't need to buy it.

Retail Value $27.86 
I spend $2.00 before tax

CVS 8/25/13
The breakdown:
(3) Head & Shoulders one sale 2/$10. Part of the buy $15 get $5 ECB
(1) Playtex tampons 40ct on sale $7.99 get $3 ECB
Total before coupons: $22.99
-$3 off $15 cvs coupon emailed to me.
-BOGO Head & Shoulders coupon (took off max of $6.99 instead of 5)
-$1.00 Playtex printable
-$10 ECB's from here.
Total before tax (.42) $2.00 and received a $5 and $3 ECB back. 

CVS 9/1/13
There wasn't much I needed to buy this week. Good savings, but not scream worthy.

Retail Value$5.79
Paid $1.79 before taxes

Always Infinity  18ct on sale $3.79 (reg $5.79)
- $1.00 manufacturer coupon
-$1.00 CVS coupon from red machine.
Total: $1.79 oop (before taxes)

Funny story, When I went to check out and handed the cashier the $1.00 cvs coupon she said I couldn't use it. Now I know for 100% I can because the last page of the add said save $1 off any P&G item on this page and I saw the shelf tag stating I could save $1 on this item. I asked if she had an add by her so I could show her and she said she didn't. She said everyone had been using them on the puffs tissues and I could use it on that. I then said something like, "Oh, it can be used on any item on the last page of the add. Everyone else is using it on the tissues because then it makes them free. But I don't need any tissues". She then scanned it and was surprised it worked. This was on a Saturday afternoon. I must have been the only person all week long not to buy free tissues. Haha!
Also, as I write this I'm beginning to experience some keyboard malfunctions. The keys won't type when I press unless I mash them many times and curse them and call them mean names. Time for a break. 

* We have a wireless keyboard with rechargeable batteries. I had a mommy brain moment and never considered I needed to charge them*

Now on to the next week
I found a new website. I can get a sneak peak up to two weeks in advance for CVS! It doesn't 100% match my local CVS add, but I can get a better idea of when to use my coupons or start begging asking everyone nicely for extra copies (It didn't work with my Head & Shoulders deal though, maybe I should have begged instead). 
Anyways, I've worked out a great deal the next 3 weeks using my coupons and ecb's. I'm excited!

Retail Value: $23.16
Oop: $.95 before tax

 (2) Dial 8ct bar soap $3.99 each
 (2) Colgate toothpaste $2.99 each
 (1) Soft Peppermint candy $.99
Total: $14.95
-2.00/2 Dial internet coupon
-2.00 off a $5 liquid/bar soap cvs coupon from the red machine
-(2) $1.00 Colgate toothpaste coupon from the 9/7/13 Sunday paper
- $5 and $3 ECB from 8/25/13 
oop after tax (.86): $1.81....and got $4 ECB's back!

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